
A provider for compilation and linking of objc.


depset ObjcProvider.asset_catalog

Deprecated. This API is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please do not depend on it. It is disabled with --incompatible_disable_objc_provider_resources. Use this flag to verify your code is compatible with its imminent removal.
Asset catalog resource files.


depset ObjcProvider.bundle_file

Deprecated. This API is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please do not depend on it. It is disabled with --incompatible_disable_objc_provider_resources. Use this flag to verify your code is compatible with its imminent removal.
Files that are plopped into the final bundle at some arbitrary bundle path.


depset ObjcProvider.define

A set of strings from 'defines' attributes. These are to be passed as '-D' flags to all invocations of the compiler for this target and all depending targets.


depset ObjcProvider.dynamic_framework_dir

Exec paths of .framework directories corresponding to dynamic frameworks to link.


depset ObjcProvider.dynamic_framework_file

Files in .framework directories belonging to a dynamically linked framework.


depset ObjcProvider.exported_debug_artifacts

Debug files that should be exported by the top-level target.


depset ObjcProvider.force_load_library

Libraries to load with -force_load.


depset ObjcProvider.framework_dir

Returns all unique static framework directories (directories ending in '.framework') for all static framework files in this provider.


depset ObjcProvider.framework_search_path_only

Exec paths of .framework directories corresponding to frameworks to include in search paths, but not to link.

depset ObjcProvider.header

All header files. These may be either public or private headers.


depset ObjcProvider.imported_library

Imported precompiled static libraries (.a files) to be linked into the binary.


depset ObjcProvider.include

Include search paths specified with '-I' on the command line. Also known as header search paths (and distinct from user header search paths).


depset ObjcProvider.include_system

System include search paths (typically specified with -isystem).


depset ObjcProvider.iquote

User header search paths (typically specified with -iquote).


depset ObjcProvider.j2objc_library

Static libraries that are built from J2ObjC-translated Java code.


depset ObjcProvider.jre_library

J2ObjC JRE emulation libraries and their dependencies.


depset ObjcProvider.library

Library (.a) files compiled by dependencies of the current target.

depset ObjcProvider.link_inputs

Link time artifacts from dependencies that do not fall into any other category such as libraries or archives. This catch-all provides a way to add arbitrary data (e.g. Swift AST files) to the linker. The rule that adds these is also responsible to add the necessary linker flags to 'linkopt'.


depset ObjcProvider.linked_binary

Single-architecture linked binaries to be combined for the final multi-architecture binary.


depset ObjcProvider.linkmap_file

Single-architecture link map for a binary.


depset ObjcProvider.linkopt

Linking options.


depset ObjcProvider.merge_zip

Merge zips to include in the bundle. The entries of these zip files are included in the final bundle with the same path. The entries in the merge zips should not include the bundle root path (e.g. 'Foo.app').


depset ObjcProvider.module_map

Clang module maps, used to enforce proper use of private header files.


depset ObjcProvider.multi_arch_dynamic_libraries

Combined-architecture dynamic libraries to include in the final bundle.


depset ObjcProvider.multi_arch_linked_archives

Combined-architecture archives to include in the final bundle.


depset ObjcProvider.multi_arch_linked_binaries

Combined-architecture binaries to include in the final bundle.


depset ObjcProvider.root_merge_zip

Deprecated. This API is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please do not depend on it. It is disabled with --incompatible_disable_objc_provider_resources. Use this flag to verify your code is compatible with its imminent removal.
Merge zips to include in the ipa and outside the bundle root.


depset ObjcProvider.sdk_dylib

Names of SDK .dylib libraries to link with. For instance, 'libz' or 'libarchive'.


depset ObjcProvider.sdk_framework

Names of SDK frameworks to link with (e.g. 'AddressBook', 'QuartzCore').


depset ObjcProvider.source

All transitive source files.


depset ObjcProvider.static_framework_file

Files in .framework directories that should be statically included as inputs when compiling and linking.


depset ObjcProvider.storyboard

Deprecated. This API is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please do not depend on it. It is disabled with --incompatible_disable_objc_provider_resources. Use this flag to verify your code is compatible with its imminent removal.
Files for storyboard sources.


depset ObjcProvider.strings

Deprecated. This API is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please do not depend on it. It is disabled with --incompatible_disable_objc_provider_resources. Use this flag to verify your code is compatible with its imminent removal.
Files for strings source files.


depset ObjcProvider.umbrella_header

Clang umbrella header. Public headers are #included in umbrella headers to be compatible with J2ObjC segmented headers.


depset ObjcProvider.weak_sdk_framework

Names of SDK frameworks to weakly link with. For instance, 'MediaAccessibility'. In difference to regularly linked SDK frameworks, symbols from weakly linked frameworks do not cause an error if they are not present at runtime.


depset ObjcProvider.xcassets_dir

Deprecated. This API is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please do not depend on it. It is disabled with --incompatible_disable_objc_provider_resources. Use this flag to verify your code is compatible with its imminent removal.
The set of all unique asset catalog directories (*.xcassets) containing files in 'asset_catalogs'.


depset ObjcProvider.xcdatamodel

Deprecated. This API is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please do not depend on it. It is disabled with --incompatible_disable_objc_provider_resources. Use this flag to verify your code is compatible with its imminent removal.
Files that comprise the data models of the final linked binary.


depset ObjcProvider.xib

Deprecated. This API is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please do not depend on it. It is disabled with --incompatible_disable_objc_provider_resources. Use this flag to verify your code is compatible with its imminent removal.
.xib resource files