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Extensions > API reference > LibraryToLink


A library the user can link against.

bool LibraryToLink.alwayslink

Whether to link the static library/objects in the --whole_archive block.


File LibraryToLink.dynamic_library

Artifact of dynamic library to be linked. Always used for runtime and used for linking if interface_library is not passed. May return None.


File LibraryToLink.interface_library

Artifact of interface library to be linked. May return None.


sequence LibraryToLink.lto_bitcode_files

List of LTO bitcode files in the library. May return None.


sequence LibraryToLink.objects

List of object files in the library. May return None.


sequence LibraryToLink.pic_lto_bitcode_files

List of pic LTO bitcode files in the library. May return None.


sequence LibraryToLink.pic_objects

List of pic object files in the library. May return None.


File LibraryToLink.pic_static_library

Artifact of pic static library to be linked. May return None.

File LibraryToLink.resolved_symlink_dynamic_library

The resolved Artifact of the dynamic library to be linked if dynamic_library is a symlink, otherwise this is None. May return None.

File LibraryToLink.resolved_symlink_interface_library

The resolved Artifact of the interface library to be linked if interface_library is a symlink, otherwise this is None. May return None.


File LibraryToLink.static_library

Artifact of static library to be linked. May return None.