Extensions > API reference > cc_common


Utilities for C++ compilation, linking, and command line generation.


bool cc_common.action_is_enabled(feature_configuration, action_name)

Returns True if given action_config is enabled in the feature configuration.


Parameter Description
feature_configuration required
Feature configuration to be queried.
action_name required
Name of the action_config.


Provider cc_common.CcToolchainInfo

The key used to retrieve the provider that contains information about the C++ toolchain being used


tuple cc_common.compile(actions, feature_configuration, cc_toolchain, srcs=[], public_hdrs=[], private_hdrs=[], includes=[], quote_includes=[], system_includes=[], framework_includes=[], defines=[], local_defines=[], include_prefix='', strip_include_prefix='', user_compile_flags=[], compilation_contexts=[], name, disallow_pic_outputs=False, disallow_nopic_outputs=False, additional_inputs=[], grep_includes=None)

Should be used for C++ compilation. Returns tuple of (CompilationContext, CcCompilationOutputs).


Parameter Description
actions required
actions object.
feature_configuration required
feature_configuration to be queried.
cc_toolchain required
CcToolchainInfo provider to be used.
srcs default = []
The list of source files to be compiled.
public_hdrs default = []
List of headers needed for compilation of srcs and may be included by dependent rules transitively.
private_hdrs default = []
List of headers needed for compilation of srcs and NOT to be included by dependent rules.
includes default = []
Search paths for header files referenced both by angle bracket and quotes. Usually passed with -I. Propagated to dependents transitively.
quote_includes default = []
Search paths for header files referenced by quotes, e.g. #include "foo/bar/header.h". They can be either relative to the exec root or absolute. Usually passed with -iquote. Propagated to dependents transitively.
system_includes default = []
Search paths for header files referenced by angle brackets, e.g. #include <foo/bar/header.h>. They can be either relative to the exec root or absolute. Usually passed with -isystem. Propagated to dependents transitively.
framework_includes default = []
Search paths for header files from Apple frameworks. They can be either relative to the exec root or absolute. Usually passed with -F. Propagated to dependents transitively.
defines default = []
Set of defines needed to compile this target. Each define is a string. Propagated to dependents transitively.
local_defines default = []
Set of defines needed to compile this target. Each define is a string. Not propagated to dependents transitively.
include_prefix default = ''
The prefix to add to the paths of the headers of this rule. When set, the headers in the hdrs attribute of this rule are accessible at is the value of this attribute prepended to their repository-relative path. The prefix in the strip_include_prefix attribute is removed before this prefix is added.
strip_include_prefix default = ''
The prefix to strip from the paths of the headers of this rule. When set, the headers in the hdrs attribute of this rule are accessible at their path with this prefix cut off. If it's a relative path, it's taken as a package-relative one. If it's an absolute one, it's understood as a repository-relative path. The prefix in the include_prefix attribute is added after this prefix is stripped.
user_compile_flags default = []
Additional list of compilation options.
compilation_contexts default = []
Headers from dependencies used for compilation.
name required
This is used for naming the output artifacts of actions created by this method.
disallow_pic_outputs default = False
Whether PIC outputs should be created.
disallow_nopic_outputs default = False
Whether NOPIC outputs should be created.
additional_inputs default = []
List of additional files needed for compilation of srcs
grep_includes File; or None; default = None


FeatureConfiguration cc_common.configure_features(ctx=None, cc_toolchain, requested_features=[], unsupported_features=[])

Creates a feature_configuration instance. Requires the cpp configuration fragment.


Parameter Description
ctx ctx; or None; default = None
The rule context.
cc_toolchain required
cc_toolchain for which we configure features.
requested_features default = []
List of features to be enabled.
unsupported_features default = []
List of features that are unsupported by the current rule.


CcToolchainConfigInfo cc_common.create_cc_toolchain_config_info(ctx, features=[], action_configs=[], artifact_name_patterns=[], cxx_builtin_include_directories=[], toolchain_identifier, host_system_name=None, target_system_name, target_cpu, target_libc, compiler, abi_version=None, abi_libc_version=None, tool_paths=[], make_variables=[], builtin_sysroot=None, cc_target_os=None)

Creates a CcToolchainConfigInfo provider


Parameter Description
ctx required
The rule context.
features default = []
A list of features.
action_configs default = []
A list of action_configs.
artifact_name_patterns default = []
A list of artifact_name_patterns.
cxx_builtin_include_directories default = []

Built-in include directories for C++ compilation. These should be the exact paths used by the compiler, and are generally relative to the exec root.

The paths used by the compiler can be determined by 'gcc -E -xc++ - -v'.

We currently use the C++ paths also for C compilation, which is safe as long as there are no name clashes between C++ and C header files.

Relative paths are resolved relative to the configuration file directory.

If the compiler has --sysroot support, then these paths should use %sysroot% rather than the include path, and specify the sysroot attribute in order to give bazel the information necessary to make the correct replacements.

toolchain_identifier required

The unique identifier of the toolchain within the crosstool release. It must be possible to use this as a directory name in a path.

It has to match the following regex: [a-zA-Z_][\.\- \w]*

host_system_name string; or None; default = None
target_system_name required
The GNU System Name.
target_cpu required
The target architecture string.
target_libc required
The libc version string (e.g. "glibc-2.2.2").
compiler required
The compiler version string (e.g. "gcc-4.1.1").
abi_version string; or None; default = None
The abi in use, which is a gcc version. E.g.: "gcc-3.4"
abi_libc_version string; or None; default = None
The glibc version used by the abi we're using.
tool_paths default = []
A list of tool_paths.
make_variables default = []
A list of make_variables.
builtin_sysroot string; or None; default = None
The built-in sysroot. If this attribute is not present, Bazel does not allow using a different sysroot, i.e. through the --grte_top option.
cc_target_os string; or None; default = None
Internal purpose only, do not use.


CompilationContext cc_common.create_compilation_context(headers=unbound, system_includes=unbound, includes=unbound, quote_includes=unbound, framework_includes=unbound, defines=unbound, local_defines=unbound)

Creates a CompilationContext.


Parameter Description
headers default = unbound
Set of headers needed to compile this target
system_includes default = unbound
Set of search paths for header files referenced by angle brackets, i.e. #include <foo/bar/header.h>. They can be either relative to the exec root or absolute. Usually passed with -isystem
includes default = unbound
Set of search paths for header files referenced both by angle bracket and quotes.Usually passed with -I
quote_includes default = unbound
Set of search paths for header files referenced by quotes, i.e. #include "foo/bar/header.h". They can be either relative to the exec root or absolute. Usually passed with -iquote
framework_includes default = unbound
Set of framework search paths for header files (Apple platform only)
defines default = unbound
Set of defines needed to compile this target. Each define is a string. Propagated transitively to dependents.
local_defines default = unbound
Set of defines needed to compile this target. Each define is a string. Not propagated transitively to dependents.


CcCompilationOutputs cc_common.create_compilation_outputs(objects=None, pic_objects=None)

Create compilation outputs object.


Parameter Description
objects depset; or None; default = None
List of object files.
pic_objects depset; or None; default = None
List of pic object files.


Variables cc_common.create_compile_variables(cc_toolchain, feature_configuration, source_file=None, output_file=None, user_compile_flags=None, include_directories=None, quote_include_directories=None, system_include_directories=None, framework_include_directories=None, preprocessor_defines=None, thinlto_index=None, thinlto_input_bitcode_file=None, thinlto_output_object_file=None, use_pic=False, add_legacy_cxx_options=False, variables_extension=unbound)

Returns variables used for compilation actions.


Parameter Description
cc_toolchain required
cc_toolchain for which we are creating build variables.
feature_configuration required
Feature configuration to be queried.
source_file default = None
Optional source file for the compilation. Please prefer passing source_file here over appending it to the end of the command line generated from cc_common.get_memory_inefficient_command_line, as then it's in the power of the toolchain author to properly specify and position compiler flags.
output_file default = None
Optional output file of the compilation. Please prefer passing output_file here over appending it to the end of the command line generated from cc_common.get_memory_inefficient_command_line, as then it's in the power of the toolchain author to properly specify and position compiler flags.
user_compile_flags sequence of strings; or None; default = None
List of additional compilation flags (copts).
include_directories depset; or None; default = None
Depset of include directories.
quote_include_directories depset; or None; default = None
Depset of quote include directories.
system_include_directories depset; or None; default = None
Depset of system include directories.
framework_include_directories depset; or None; default = None
Depset of framework include directories.
preprocessor_defines depset; or None; default = None
Depset of preprocessor defines.
thinlto_index string; or None; default = None
LTO index file path.
thinlto_input_bitcode_file string; or None; default = None
Bitcode file that is input to LTO backend.
thinlto_output_object_file string; or None; default = None
Object file that is output by LTO backend.
use_pic default = False
When true the compilation will generate position independent code.
add_legacy_cxx_options default = False
variables_extension dict; default = unbound
A dictionary of additional variables used by compile actions.

LibraryToLink cc_common.create_library_to_link(actions, feature_configuration=None, cc_toolchain=None, static_library=None, pic_static_library=None, dynamic_library=None, interface_library=None, pic_objects=unbound, objects=unbound, alwayslink=False, dynamic_library_symlink_path='', interface_library_symlink_path='')

Creates LibraryToLink


Parameter Description
actions required
actions object.
feature_configuration default = None
feature_configuration to be queried.
cc_toolchain default = None
CcToolchainInfo provider to be used.
static_library File; or None; default = None
File of static library to be linked.
pic_static_library File; or None; default = None
File of pic static library to be linked.
dynamic_library File; or None; default = None
File of dynamic library to be linked. Always used for runtime and used for linking if interface_library is not passed.
interface_library File; or None; default = None
File of interface library to be linked.
pic_objects sequence of Files; default = unbound
Experimental, do not use
objects sequence of Files; default = unbound
Experimental, do not use
default = False
Whether to link the static library/objects in the --whole_archive block.
string; default = ''
Override the default path of the dynamic library link in the solib directory. Empty string to use the default.
default = ''
Override the default path of the interface library link in the solib directory. Empty string to use the default.

Variables cc_common.create_link_variables(cc_toolchain, feature_configuration, library_search_directories=None, runtime_library_search_directories=None, user_link_flags=None, output_file=None, param_file=None, def_file=None, is_using_linker=True, is_linking_dynamic_library=False, must_keep_debug=True, use_test_only_flags=False, is_static_linking_mode=True)

Returns link variables used for linking actions.


Parameter Description
cc_toolchain for which we are creating build variables.
Feature configuration to be queried.
None; or depset; default = None
Depset of directories where linker will look for libraries at link time.
None; or depset; default = None
Depset of directories where loader will look for libraries at runtime.
None; or sequence; default = None
List of additional link flags (linkopts).
default = None
Optional output file path.
default = None
Optional param file path.
default = None
Optional .def file path.
default = True
True when using linker, False when archiver. Caller is responsible for keeping this in sync with action name used (is_using_linker = True for linking executable or dynamic library, is_using_linker = False for archiving static library).
default = False
True when creating dynamic library, False when executable or static library. Caller is responsible for keeping this in sync with action name used. This field will be removed once b/65151735 is fixed.
default = True
When set to True, bazel will expose 'strip_debug_symbols' variable, which is usually used to use the linker to strip debug symbols from the output file.
default = False
When set to true, 'is_cc_test' variable will be set.
default = True


LinkerInput cc_common.create_linker_input(owner, libraries=None, user_link_flags=None, additional_inputs=None)

Creates a LinkerInput.


Parameter Description
owner required
The label of the target that produced all files used in this input.
libraries None; or depset; default = None
List of LibraryToLink.
None; or depset of strings; or sequence of strings; default = None
User link flags passed as strings. Accepts either [String], [[String]] or depset(String). The latter is discouraged as it's only kept for compatibility purposes, the depset is flattened. If you want to propagate user_link_flags via unflattened depsets() wrap them in a LinkerInput so that they are not flattened till the end.
additional_inputs None; or depset; default = None
For additional inputs to the linking action, e.g.: linking scripts.


LinkingContext cc_common.create_linking_context(linker_inputs=None, libraries_to_link=None, user_link_flags=None, additional_inputs=None)

Creates a LinkingContext.


Parameter Description
linker_inputs None; or depset; default = None
Depset of LinkerInput.
None; or sequence; default = None
Deprecated. This parameter is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please do not depend on it. It is disabled with --+incompatible_require_linker_input_cc_api. Use this flag to verify your code is compatible with its imminent removal.
List of LibraryToLink.
None; or sequence; default = None
Deprecated. This parameter is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please do not depend on it. It is disabled with --+incompatible_require_linker_input_cc_api. Use this flag to verify your code is compatible with its imminent removal.
List of user link flags passed as strings.
additional_inputs None; or sequence; default = None
Deprecated. This parameter is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please do not depend on it. It is disabled with --+incompatible_require_linker_input_cc_api. Use this flag to verify your code is compatible with its imminent removal.
For additional inputs to the linking action, e.g.: linking scripts.


tuple cc_common.create_linking_context_from_compilation_outputs(actions, feature_configuration, cc_toolchain, compilation_outputs, user_link_flags=[], linking_contexts=[], name, language='c++', alwayslink=False, additional_inputs=[], disallow_static_libraries=False, disallow_dynamic_library=False, grep_includes=None)

Should be used for creating library rules that can propagate information downstream in order to be linked later by a top level rule that does transitive linking to create an executable or dynamic library. Returns tuple of (CcLinkingContext, CcLinkingOutputs).


Parameter Description
actions required
actions object.
feature_configuration required
feature_configuration to be queried.
cc_toolchain required
CcToolchainInfo provider to be used.
compilation_outputs required
Compilation outputs containing object files to link.
default = []
Additional list of linking options.
linking_contexts default = []
Libraries from dependencies. These libraries will be linked into the output artifact of the link() call, be it a binary or a library.
name required
This is used for naming the output artifacts of actions created by this method.
language default = 'c++'
Only C++ supported for now. Do not use this parameter.
default = False
Whether this library should always be linked.
additional_inputs default = []
For additional inputs to the linking action, e.g.: linking scripts.
disallow_static_libraries default = False
Whether static libraries should be created.
disallow_dynamic_library default = False
Whether a dynamic library should be created.
grep_includes File; or None; default = None


None cc_common.do_not_use_tools_cpp_compiler_present

Do not use this field, its only puprose is to help with migration from config_setting.values{'compiler') to config_settings.flag_values{'@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:compiler'}


dict cc_common.get_environment_variables(feature_configuration, action_name, variables)

Returns environment variables to be set for given action.


Parameter Description
feature_configuration required
Feature configuration to be queried.
action_name required
Name of the action. Has to be one of the names in @bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/cc:action_names.bzl (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/master/tools/build_defs/cc/action_names.bzl)
variables required
Build variables to be used for template expansion.


sequence cc_common.get_execution_requirements(feature_configuration, action_name)

Returns execution requirements for given action.


Parameter Description
feature_configuration required
Feature configuration to be queried.
action_name required
Name of the action. Has to be one of the names in @bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/cc:action_names.bzl (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/master/tools/build_defs/cc/action_names.bzl)


sequence cc_common.get_memory_inefficient_command_line(feature_configuration, action_name, variables)

Returns flattened command line flags for given action, using given variables for expansion. Flattens nested sets and ideally should not be used, or at least should not outlive analysis. Work on memory efficient function returning Args is ongoing.


Parameter Description
feature_configuration required
Feature configuration to be queried.
action_name required
Name of the action. Has to be one of the names in @bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/cc:action_names.bzl (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/master/tools/build_defs/cc/action_names.bzl)
variables required
Build variables to be used for template expansions.


string cc_common.get_tool_for_action(feature_configuration, action_name)

Returns tool path for given action.


Parameter Description
feature_configuration required
Feature configuration to be queried.
action_name required
Name of the action. Has to be one of the names in @bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/cc:action_names.bzl (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/master/tools/build_defs/cc/action_names.bzl)


bool cc_common.is_enabled(feature_configuration, feature_name)

Returns True if given feature is enabled in the feature configuration.


Parameter Description
feature_configuration required
Feature configuration to be queried.
feature_name required
Name of the feature.

CcLinkingOutputs cc_common.link(actions, feature_configuration, cc_toolchain, compilation_outputs=None, user_link_flags=[], linking_contexts=[], name, language='c++', output_type='executable', link_deps_statically=True, stamp=0, additional_inputs=[], grep_includes=None, additional_outputs=unbound)

Should be used for C++ transitive linking.


Parameter Description
actions required
actions object.
feature_configuration required
feature_configuration to be queried.
cc_toolchain required
CcToolchainInfo provider to be used.
compilation_outputs CcCompilationOutputs; or None; default = None
Compilation outputs containing object files to link.
default = []
Additional list of linker options.
linking_contexts default = []
Linking contexts from dependencies to be linked into the linking context generated by this rule.
name required
This is used for naming the output artifacts of actions created by this method.
language default = 'c++'
Only C++ supported for now. Do not use this parameter.
output_type default = 'executable'
Can be either 'executable' or 'dynamic_library'.
default = True
True to link dependencies statically, False dynamically.
stamp default = 0
Whether to include build information in the linked executable, if output_type is 'executable'. If 1, build information is always included. If 0 (the default build information is always excluded. If -1, uses the default behavior, which may be overridden by the --[no]stamp flag. This should be unset (or set to 0) when generating the executable output for test rules.
additional_inputs sequence; or depset; default = []
For additional inputs to the linking action, e.g.: linking scripts.
grep_includes File; or None; default = None
additional_outputs sequence; default = unbound
For additional outputs to the linking action, e.g.: map files.


CcInfo cc_common.merge_cc_infos(direct_cc_infos=[], cc_infos=[])

Merges multiple CcInfos into one.


Parameter Description
direct_cc_infos default = []
List of CcInfos to be merged, whose headers will be exported by the direct fields in the returned provider.
cc_infos default = []
List of CcInfos to be merged, whose headers will not be exported by the direct fields in the returned provider.


CompilationContext cc_common.merge_compilation_contexts(compilation_contexts=[])

Merges multiple CompilationContextss into one.


Parameter Description
compilation_contexts default = []
List of CompilationContextss to be merged. The headers of each context will be exported by the direct fields in the returned provider.


CcCompilationOutputs cc_common.merge_compilation_outputs(compilation_outputs=[])

Merge compilation outputs.


Parameter Description
compilation_outputs default = []